

Online donations

You can now donate online a credit card or debit card.

Regular donations

Regular donations to St Mary’s parish can be made by setting up a bank standing order.

What is a standing order?
A standing order is a payment made directly from your bank account to the parish bank account. It is very flexible – you can decide its frequency (weekly, monthly, or quarterly) and you can easily increase, decrease, pause, or stop your regular donation to the parish at any time. It is one of the easiest and most secure ways of giving to charity, and one which gives the parish a steady income throughout the year.

How do I set it up?

You can easily set up a standing order with your bank:  on-line, by telephone, by post or, in more ordinary times, by visiting a local branch of your own bank.

To set up a standing order you will need:

  • your own bank details
  • the bank details of St Mary’s parish account
  • the amount you wish to give
  • the frequency of the donation
  • and the date when you want the first payment to be made.

Please download a Standing Order Form, complete it and send to your own bank or, if you wish to set a standing order online, please use the details of the parish bank account that you will find on the form to set up your regular donation to the parish.

Donations by Cheque

If you would like to make a donation to St Mary’s Parish by cheque, then please make it payable to: St Mary’s, Manchester, and post it to:

The Parish Priest
St Mary’s Presbytery
17 Mulberry Street
M2 6LN

Gift Aid your donation

If you are UK taxpayer and have an employment or pension income of at least £13,000 per year, you can boost your donation to St Mary’s parish by 25% – at no extra cost to yourself. This will allow the parish to claim an extra £2.50 from the Government for every £10 you give to St Mary’s.

All you need to do is to complete a Gift Aid Declaration Form and return it to the parish priest. This will enable the parish to reclaim from the Government some of the income tax you’ve already paid.

If you make a declaration and then change your name or address, or no longer pay sufficient amount of income tax, please let us know of these changes. 

For more information about the gift aid scheme, please see website.

Or for those who wish to keep it simple…

You could simply put your parish envelope or weekly contribution into a jam jar or coffee mug in the cupboard and bring your contributions to St Mary’s and put them in the collection basket the next time that we are able to gather for Holy Mass which, hopefully, won’t be too long away.

THANK YOU for your support of our parish.